How many people will live in Hungary in 2050?
Hungary’s population is falling. It is estimated that by 2050, the population will be only 8.5 million, compared to 8.8 million in a more optimistic scenario.
Fewer and fewer Hungarians
As we wrote earlier, there were fewer children born than people who died in Hungary in October 2022. This trend has been in place for a long time, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.
On Monday, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences held a mini-conference on statistics and futurology. Csaba G. TĂ³th, former senior research fellow at the Population Institute of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), spoke at the conference, writes
TĂ³th and his research colleague Csilla ObĂ¡dovics calculated how many people will be living in Hungary in 2050. They also looked at the age structure of the population and how the data for each region will develop.
Not a forecast, but a calculation
At the beginning, Csaba G. TĂ³th and Csilla ObĂ¡dovics stated that they are statisticians. They don’t make forecasts, they do different calculations and on the basis of these, they draw up scenarios.
The total population decreased by six percent between 1990 and 2019. The seven Hungarian regions were divided into four groups. In Northern Hungary, Southern Transdanubia and Southern Great Plain, the population decline is between 10 and 15 percent. In the researchers’ baseline model, the population will fall to 8.5 million by 2050. This represents a 13 percent reduction compared to 2020, double the reduction of the last 30 years.
In a high fertility scenario, the population would be 8.8 million in less than 30 years, and 8.2 million without migration, reports.
“It’s almost impossible to reverse that, and I put it very mildly at the time,” TĂ³th said. The weight loss is unstoppable, the only thing you can do is slow it down.
The Hungarian elderly are one of the oldest societies in the region. This will fundamentally determine population trends in the coming decades. The 110,000 births per year needed to maintain the population is an impossible category, experts say.
Weird Question to ask, when 400 thousand residents are un-accounted for, from the 2022 census.
Will there be in 2050 – a Hungary as we know in 2022?
Remember – Harry Houdini – was a Hungarian and what he was FAMOUS for///
The “Crystal Ball” – but if we still exist, we will be a VASTLY different country than we are to-day.
In population – we will be substantially larger than 9.6 million – possible 13 million.
The DNA number of true blooded traditional – through their genes and blood lines Hungarians – will in all probability be DWARFTED – stunted by “other” ethnic groups.
Hungary – we will not be a DEMOCRACY.
Population in 2050 – the “ifs and buts” and maybes – shivers run up my spine – thinking about it – and what of Hungary – if we SURVIVE.
Let’s look at the (projected) development of the average age (visual will hopefully help understand):
Quick look at the historical age dependency ratios for Hungary (ratio of dependents–people younger than 15 or older than 64–to the working-age population):
Anybody worried, yet? Because we should be! Our Politicians object to (im)migration – so our only way out (again, according to the Politicians) is to breed our way out of this potential scenario…